The Importance of Finishing Strong

How many of us have gotten an exciting idea to start a project, a diet, or an exercise routine? Started it, and after a short time lost motivation and quit? Or when you are about finished with a project or exercise routine your effort dwindles because you’re tired or bored with it?   If your answer is yes, don’t feel bad. A good portion of society has done this. Yes it would be better if we all stuck to our original goals. However, we have these goals and aspirations because we are trying to better ourselves. Those motives are the foundation of what it takes to succeed.

Now that we understand the problem, it is easier to solve it. The two best solutions I have found to overcome this problem are:

  • Before we commit to a goal, analyze in depth what it will take to complete it. Break down every step and everything it will take to really complete the goal. For example, the goal is to get a six pack. Take into consideration the  time it will take to exercise each week, the length of time it will take all together (most likely months,) the diet that needs to be followed, and the things that will need to be sacrificed. Giving up the Wendy’s dollar menu may be a killer. If we set goals without really discovering what it will take to get our desired outcome, we are setting ourselves up for failure. If we do this too often we will become accustomed to it and eventually be ok with failing.
  • The second solution I have found to be very affective when we feel like quitting is to stop for a moment and focus on our original desired outcome. The reason for this is to reignite the fire that caused us to start in the first place. There are days when I do not want to contact sponsors, organize promotional events for the record, and especially days that I don’t want to get on the bike. When this happens I will focus on how amazing it will feel when I make it to Huntington Beach. What is even more motivating is thinking about how many people I will be able to help by raising $100,000. Those two reasons lite my motivational fire every time.

Everyone knows the importance of not quitting. But what is as equally important is FINISHING STRONG. If when we commit to goal we also commit to finishing just as strong and as motivated as when we started, it will build momentum when we move into our next endeavor. Finishing as strong as or stronger than when we start will also improve our results for next time. For example, if when we run we try to push just a little harder at the end of each session, our endurance will gradually improve. It will create the habit of constantly trying to better ourselves. Consequently that trait will carry over into other aspects of our life, and we will constantly be upping our performances and bettering ourselves.